Mercury Retrograde anyone?

🔥Yes Please!

🔥🖤🔥~ Ninshubur ~🔥🖤🔥

She whispered to me at Midsummer.

And at Samhain she wants to be spoken.

She is Ninshubur and her other name is MERCURY. She is swift and loyal in her PURPOSE.

💫I am the Goddess of the East.

I am the Queen of my own Heaven’s domain.

I am your most trustworthy friend and sister.

I come from above and from below.

I come to you in times of rescue and during your most treacherous times.

I made a vow to you to return you to your Self and I am patient with time, waiting at the gates of The Underworld for your return.

Yes, I am devoted to Venus ~ Inanna ~ the Morning and Evening Star of your Heroine’s Journey ~ The Queen of Heaven and Earth, who descends into the Underworld to seek the medicine of your Soul.

I am your messenger and I will traverse between the realms and through the worlds to swiftly carry my sacred commitment.

I often may appear RETROGRADE.

I am the Goddess in my own right.

In symbols and in herstory I am the planet Mercury and I give you permission to face and shift your shadows as Inanna ~ Venus, my beloved sister, with deeper knowing and trust of not being abandoned or forgotten in the Underworld.

My vow to hold space while you go is sacred.

My vow to save you is sacred.

If you are familiar with your dark sister Ereshkigal, you will know what it is like to see the eye of death and be inside the darkness.

And when the time comes, when YOU are lifeless hanging on a meat hook in the Underworld…

I will be the one within your own Self to save your Soul and bring you back to life.

I gather the tribe. I call upon the fathers and grandfathers. I find a way to bring YOU back to life and to your purpose. I find a way to re-awaken compassion within the darkness of the tomb.

I come in the time of darkness and shadow work.

I am your loyal sister, your messenger, always by your side in sacred devotion.

I know when you are down.

I stand by to make sure YOU are found and safe.

I mourn and cry rivers for your return.

I am the “Female Ruler” and in my stories, as Ninshubur, I am able to embody and take on conversion of a male ~ the masculine.

Hence, Mercury is thought of as a male.

Silly humans..

I am a sukkal, the second in command and in some matters, I have authority and leverage even greater than the highest authority.

I am Mercury ~ determined and loyal.

Often misunderstood and mistaken.

I am your sacred confidant ~your siStar ~ in the Sisterhood of the Stars.

I honor my swiftness and also my retro~shadow.

I am the part of you that will seek, plead for help and not give up to revive the part of you that’s been cut off, hidden, forgotten, neglected, abandoned.

I am your inner faithful sister, friend and a messenger, that stands guard at the gates above.

I will wait and I will do what I need to make sure YOU are found, resurrected and safe.

I am the bridge between heaven and earth and I am your second-in-command.

Blessed Be.💫

✨ When Mercury shows up in your life in every way ~ honor the determination, loyalty and assistance of Ninshubur. Her devotion, loyalty and love to Inanna (YOU) are of tremendous value in our lives.

And then she asks:

~ What part of you has saved you and brought you back to surface?

~ Who is your loyal sister within?

~ Who are your loyal sisters in this world?

~ How will you honor your SHADOW this time?

~ How will you see more and witness more of yourself in the Underworld of your Darkness?

JOURNAL to find out!


~ The New year has began ~ Are you ready to WELCOME the true magic in your life?

Shadow Magic is AFOOT.

Message me for more about 1:1 Soul work with me 🕊

Slowly re-emerging back to light.

By Anya Devi - Published 2/8/2021
Category: Post