Listen to me closely dear angel.

You have not done anything wrong.

You are innocent in all of this.

You have been a target your whole life since birth & through out your whole life.

You have been targeted & abused, as many others of our brothers & sisters, who have been born into these circumstances in this lifetime.

It is not our fault this happened to many of us.

It’s ok to be sad & angry.

AND we must take responsibility to heal these wounds, so we can heal our bloodlines back generationally for the future of our lineage.

We didn’t do it.

It was done to us in order to experience the most terrifying, disgraceful, traumatizing situations, where all we could do was survive, in order to bring awareness to this horror on the planet.

Now the guilt, shame, fear continues to feed and syphon on this planetary pain.

It is our responsibility to awaken & reprogram ourselves back to our original innocence of who we are.

Recognizing & understanding you are here to do more for yourself, & therefore for humanity.

It’s ok to talk about your trauma.

It’s ok to talk about shadow work.

It is time to heal our wounds.


Anya Devi

❤️‍🔥 PS are you ready to remember who you are & transform your life?

🐉2024 Solar Dragon Transformation codes:

⛰️ Costa Rica Retreat ~ May 11-17

🌲 Montana Mini Retreat ~ June 27-July 2

🔥 Montana Retreat~ August 1-6 (private)

🌳 Costa Rica Retreat ~ August 17-23

🧘‍♀️ Costa Rica 200 HR YTT ~ October

PM me & let’s see which journey is best for you!

#thealchemicalgoddess #priestess #yogini #dakini #oracle The Alchemical Goddess Anya Devi #montanadream #goddess #retreat Photo by Devan Wieferich

By Anya Devi - Published 1/5/2024
Category: Post