What do you stand for?

Once upon a time..

A long long time ago..

Yet not so long ago..

Because this story is happening right here, right now, within each one of us..

Once there was a devout and virtuous Queen, who was about to marry a blind King.

In her devotion and dedication to her husband, she decided, that she would act in solidarity, and put on a permanent blindfold on herself.

She would then spend the rest of her life dedicated to sharing and experiencing life with her King together, as a blind person.

As she shared the deep darkness and pain of this burden, she was able to live a life, as an act of highest love, dedication and true sacrifice.

To be able to look within and to stay devoted to the love we see inside.

An act of extraordinary sympathy, empathy and service.

For today's Self Love and Self Care Ritual:

Wear a scarf or a mask over your eyes.

Align yourself to the highest purpose of love.

Feel into your purpose or a cause that is important to you.

Make a commitment to devote yourself to this purpose.

Place your whole focus on its importance.

Stay blindfolded.

Be gentle and stay safe practicing meditation, gentle yoga, intuitive slow dance with your hands and arms, gentle hip circles..

Lay down, rest and feel the love within you that you would sacrifice your life for.

What is it this love you stand for?

Please Share!

~ Anya Devi

Published on Saged App Daily Ritual 3/3/2024

Image by Anabel De La ForĂȘt at Awaken To Your Sacred Soul Retreat ~ Costa Rica ~ May 11-17, 2024 #yoga #yogaretreat #sacredplants


By Anya Devi - Published 3/3/2024
Category: Post