Mary Magdalene..

In her time..

No one else knew who she was

No one else knew Mary Magdalene was special but Christ

He knew her

He saw her

He felt her

He came here to teach her & remind her of who she was

Because she was chosen to be the one to awaken the masses

She was the one to soften the hearts of humanity

She was the one to pour the healing balm onto the wounds of warriors & angels, who have fallen long ago

Through much corruption in the bloodlines, we are now born into our bodies to rewrite the curses into the new verses

To bring through new beginnings for the lineages we are healing

For remembering our people, their medicine & their message to us now

That this is no longer the 11th hour

This is THE hour

And it is time to remember & return back to where we left our hearts, in the hands of the one, where long ago our lineage began & still continues..

She is a treasure, a hidden gem, & you may too encounter her in the most sacred of darkest times

She holds special cosmic codes & logos of awakening, understanding, healing & walking the path as an Oracle of Christos Sophia on this Earth, carrying multidimensional mission of the quantum fields & grids through the true Sophianic Oracles

In the last few years I have taken some time to myself & my inner work I needed to do.. I integrated a lot of wisdom

I have taken 4 years off from my signature online offerings to heal & integrate my truth, while continuing to show up with what was coming through me, teaching ascension through yoga & mindfulness, allowing the codes to come through my teachings in my community, in 1:1 work, & inperson retreats.

During this integration time, I was shown some powerful codes of cosmic Christ-Sophia Mission through my visions & transmissions about Mary Magdalene & Christ Union.

Connecting & receiving beautiful spoken words of Mary Magdalene for Christ, standing up and speaking up for him, their divine union, their loss & grief of the life they didn’t get to experience together here on earth.

I felt so much pain & power, no longer worrying about what anyone thinks or says.

The codes were raining down upon the Earth, as she was always there witnessing & receiving my transmissions.

Working with sacred plants & receiving the magnificent wisdom & emotions of Mary Magdalene & Jesus again & again.

Purging deep tears of their sorrow & the purpose work we are here to do in the world.

Receiving more codes of awareness & why things are the way they are.

If Mary Magdalene were here now..

🌹What would she do with her life?

🌹How would she walk her divine path?

🌹Who would she be & how would she serve?

~ Anya Devi


Image by Alizé Jireh Alize Jireh Yaccino Danyasa @ #templebodyarts #initiation with Sofiah Thom of Temple Body Arts School Sofiah Thom #oracleofsophia Emily Joy Harris #christsophia #logos #marymagdaleneday #marymagdalene

By Anya Devi - Published 7/30/2024
Category: Post