
~ Divine Goddess!

If I were to speak to you from my Soul..

From my Highest Self.

From my inner God/dess.

Energy. Divine. Spirit. Mind. Body. Soul.

I would tell you this..

The World is now needing your support and your divine reminders.

The World is waiting for your Sacred Inner Union and devotion to your Divine Soul.

I feel, we are all so alike, when we naturally crave the mystery, energy & essence of a human connection and finding our true family.

We find so much precious energy in relationships with each other, no matter where we are in life.

And although we have all been conditioned in many ways, the divine has always showed up in our lives.

Through each other.

In many different places through out our lives.

We needed all the experiences we had in our lives, so we can see it now and never have to wonder, what it would be like to be programmed by the systems of this world.

What we can now clearly see is the conditioned, purposefully taught deprivation of experiencing this precious, glorious gift of receiving and giving love, a gift of finding yourself, knowing and understanding yourself and the world, by using a program and preconditioning generation after generation of ancestors and all humans.

So that we all forget and continue walking around like zombies.

You know exactly how the shadows make you feel.

Of course we had to know what that’s like.

Thank you for healing those parts of you.

What a beautiful & rich experience this life is.

This is exactly WHY we live our lives.

To fully feel and experience so much of the opposite and see right through all the falsity & pretence.

To heal your wounds and to transform.

To embody the true part of yourself.

Free and liberated.

So you may show the way for others.


I love you human being.

I am with you.

I bow to you for following your divine heart and wisdom.

Thank you for being the channel of healing harmony and divine beauty.

For your Soul.

To remember to come back into your Self.

To fully come back into your Sovereignty.

To know when to walk away from the old stories and into the New Earth with grace and poise of the God/dess , filled with energy of service to others, Divine Embodied essence of Love & Truth.

in the posture,

in the eyes,

in the voice,

in the way you walk

and lead others.

by connection to the Divine Source within.

To your Soul, Spirit, Energy, Source.

To what resonates within your physical body, as to what within you is driving it.

To come back into your Soul means to come more and more to terms with yourself and your true self in fact.

To return and Awaken to Your Sacred Soul means to deny all parts of you that are not in service to your true self.

It means to cultivate discipline, to start, do and complete daily necessary tasks and things that are now becoming easy to complete, while disconnecting completely from any obstacles, fears and self doubts, trusting and believing in yourself.

Relax into what’s needed on a daily.

It means trusting the divine timing of all things.

Being with the World.

Being in tune with Mother Earth and her gifts to us in all forms.

Drawing the healing of the Earth into your sovereignty.

Into your Center.

🔥 What would it take for you to serve your Dharma? To seek & remember your purpose that’s fully aligned with your Soul, with full capacity and full knowing that, if you did do it 100% of the time, that you would be led and guided every step of the way by life itself.

And it might take you rising and falling, giving up and coming back into who you truly are.

Because you are unstoppable.

And this time around you can choose to go all in on being you, relaxing into the vibe of who you be, desiring to be present in your being and deliver what it is here for the Soul to bring forward.

Beautiful Being, I am honored to offer this incredible retreat!

🐸 JUL 31-AUG 5, 2025 | 5 NIGHTS | Clancy Montana

Kambo | Supernatural Magic | Field Work | Energy Work | Emotional Clearing | Oracle of Sophia | Temple Body Arts | Yoga | Dance | Embodiment | Spirituality | Sacred Medicine | Life Coaching | Transformational Journey | Ceremony | Ritual | Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine | Hieros Gamos

Incredible rates + returning Montana Dream sisters cost is available!


Book a call with me to see if we are a match for this private, intimate, high level and deep Mystical Journey into the Magic and Healing!



5 Nights | JUL 31-AUG 5, 2025 | Clancy, Montana | Multidimensional Galactic Mountain Cosmic Cowgirl Glamping Cabin Retreat

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