Temple Body Arts® Yoga Teacher Training
Dear Yogini!
Have you seen our NEW Temple Body Arts™ Yoga 200-HR Teacher Training?
We invite you to journey with us into The Feminine Mysteries through the lens of Tantra Yoga and Temple Body Arts™ at the beautiful Eco-Retreat DANYASA in Costa Rica.
TEMPLE BODY ARTS™ YOGA - Journey Into The Feminine Mysteries 200-HR TEACHER TRAINING
October 4-26, 2024, DOMINICAL, COSTA RICA
See more & apply: TEMPLE BODY ARTS YOGA
Come home to the wisdom of your Temple Body. Bring your full presence into the moment and into your breath. On your journey of embodied feminine leadership, you will experience Temple Body Arts® approach to yoga through the lens of the Five Fold Path and working with archetypal energies, the feminine mysteries, and your womb wisdom. Temple Body Arts® Yoga explores ways to move and align your body to support your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.
While honoring the wisdom of traditional yoga practices, Temple Body Arts® empowers you to Awaken your Graceful Warrior. Claim your space in your Temple Body and Divine Purpose. Recognize the value of your gifts and what you are here to share with the world. You are invited to step into your authentic power as a Feminine Leader.
Allow your authentic essence to shine as you find new ways of moving and expressing yourself on and off the mat. You are a unique fingerprint of the divine. Your Temple Body is the bridge to express your infinite creative potential. You are invited to Live Artfully, on purpose co-creating with the divine as you follow your Highest Yes.
You are invited to awaken your infinite potential through divine alignment, and authentic expression on your evolutionary path. In Temple Body Arts® Yoga, we focus on the journey and how we show up in each moment rather than being solely focused on the goal or destination.
Join our global movement and collective of empowered and embodied feminine leaders, artists, creatives, yogis, dakinis, coaches on the evolutionary path committed to being of service to awakening humanity and birthing a new paradigm rooted in love and guided by grace. Join our global movement and collective, a vibrant community of divinely inspired, empowered, embodied feminine leaders, artists, creatives, yoginis, dakinis, mentors, and coaches.
We are all walking this evolutionary path together, committed to being of service to awakening and serving humanity, birthing a new paradigm rooted in divine love and guided by grace. Your unique, revolutionary presence is valued, honored, and welcomed here.
Our Yoga Teacher Training is a branch of the Temple Body Arts Mystery School that combines a robust variety and dynamic fusion of hatha-based alignment, vinyasa flow, tantric philosophy, and expressive dance to help you access your divine creative potential and empower the graceful warrior within.
If you desire to know more, read on and join me and the team for a Temple Body Arts™ Yoga Experience on Friday, June 7th, 12-2 pm PT. We are deeply honored to bring to the world a whole new and unique way of living and embodying these ancient teachings with the art of Temple Body Yoga as modern-day yoginis and dakinis.
Our Temple Body Arts Yoga Teacher Training focuses on exalting women’s empowerment and spiritual freedom. We recognize women’s cyclical nature and wisdom. Therefore, we address how to teach and lead a yoga practice that recognizes the particularities of female anatomy and honors women’s flowing energy and cycles.
We will guide you into The Feminine Mysteries of the womb and encourage you to consider how your yoga practice may differ throughout our unique seasonal rhythms: from the onset of menarche to pregnancy, giving birth, postpartum, your mothering years, during the transition to sacred menopause and into the years of wisdom and reflection. These ancient teachings will translate into exploring and cultivating conscious awareness and respect for your sacred feminine monthly cycles.
When we rise as leaders on this planet, we believe yoga can be a powerful tool for social justice and how together we can reclaim our sovereignty. This work is crucial at a time of significant economic and social inequalities, violence, wars, and environmental degradation.
Participants are invited and encouraged to explore the intersections between yoga and social justice by exploring yoga’s great benefits on the soul, mind, and body, specifically in calming and regulating the nervous system, addressing and completing cycles and effects of long-held trauma in the female body due to oppression in the forms of systemic racism, sexism, ableism, religious violence, abuse, misogyny, poverty, human slavery and more. It is because of the deep understanding and guidance of these experiences that our training is trauma-informed.
This training will empower you to use yoga as a powerful tool for transformation, both individually and for the collective. We will guide you toward becoming a brave, compassionate teacher who creates inclusive, safe, and empowering spaces for diverse populations.
Scholarship Available
Due to our desire to make this YTT more accessible and inclusive and offer genuine opportunities to those who are often excluded or underrepresented, we are offering two partial scholarships for Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color.
We will also be offering a partial scholarship to a local Costa Rican.
However, if you are in a position to be able to pay the full tuition we kindly ask that you do not apply for a scholarship, and so allowing the scholarships to be allocated to those who genuinely need it.
To apply, fill out the application below and create a video answering the questions below, no more than 3 mins and email to sofiah@sofiahthom.com.
What do you stand for and how do you live in devotion to your yogic path?
How do you envision using this experience to create divine impact?
We look forward to receiving your video applications.
We know investing in yourself is a big deal! We want to support your journey and decision to take the leap as you expand your comfort zone and become the teacher and leader you were meant to be. Click below to apply today and schedule a connection call.
Are you in? BOOK YOUR CALL
Anya Devi, Sofiah Thom & The Temple Body Arts Yoga Team